Wednesday, October 7, 2009


The Food Costing Unit for Level 4 cookery students at Otago Polytechnic from 2010 will be of blended delivery.

The first session would be (as much as possible) a face to face session covering:
Course outline
Expectations of both the Lecturer and students
Introduction to “My Recipes” software
Lecturer’s availability
Time lines for completion of assignments.

From here the timing of access to the on-line platforms materials will be implemented. This can be pre-loaded and up-loaded by date.

Using our elluminate facility, along with two tutorial sessions and scheduled lecturer availability the delivery of the programme should be complete within one semester.

To do:
Moodle training for required tools.
Programme manager’s approval.
Migration of information from shared files to Moodle.

Wastage and Yield calculations

This next section requires another tutorial.

Wastage and yield calc's can be confusing and take time and practise to become familiar with hundreds of different yield factors over the huge range of commodities.
Again I will set-up templates in moodle with Q&As to grade and assess students progress.

This will also act as evidence of completed work.


I have deliberately left this section to last because from experience it is better to give some back round than to dive head-long into calc's from day one.

The first part would be simple G.S.T. calculations and completed online as a quiz.

There are students that have no problem with costing calculations at all, and for these students they may fully complete the assessment calculations, recipe extensions and cost percentages on-line.
Again this could be automatically graded through a quiz on moodle.
The extension exercises would be available as a template with the recipe file costs entered and locked.
These last excercises would be the required evidence for recipe development.

First Tutorial Session

Here I plan to have a tutorial class for those who may struggle a little with the next part of the delivered unit, "Stocktaking, then extensions on profit and loss figures to come out with Food and Labour percentages"

This tutorial would be classroom based and delivered both digitally and face to face (giving me more time for those who may need more one on one) using web conferencing materials available through our I.T. department.

We would cover stocktaking procedures step by step, extend the final figures with current cost prices to achieve the end of month balance. From here we would show how to extract the food cost and kitchen labour percentage figures showing Gross and Nett profits.

By adjusting these figures we can clearly show how the profits can be adversely affected by mismanaged stock control systems.

Using the moodle platform i will ask the students to access there account and complete costing and stocktaking exercises online, where they could be automatically graded and or assessed using a quiz.

Discussion Exercise over Elluminate session.

The next section would be an elluminate session.
This would be to start dialog on the importance of everyone's role in the catering establishment, and how every employee’s actions have an effect on the profitability of the business.

The discussion scenario is:

You’re having a friendly chat with the chef from a restaurant on the other side of town, and he mentions to you that the bank bounced a few of his cheques last week.

On further enquiry he tells you the bar/restaurant is doing a good turnover (about $15 Thousand each week he says), and about 400 covers per week.

He is afraid the bank may close his business down, and is asking you as a professional in the hospitality industry, for some ideas to help him save his business.

In your group, brainstorm suggestions you could make to him;

Make notes, and keep this sheet for reference in elluminate session.

I would ask the students to access moodle and comment on an open thread started under this heading, the criteria would be 300 words on this discussion.

This will lead nicely into the next section which is the "nuts and bolts"
of food costing, Stocktaking and revenue calculations to obtain Gross and Net profits.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Purchasing, storage and control.

Using a set time frame within the semester I would upload the next section of the food costing course.
In the following section we look at the role of the stores manager, or in a small operation these duties may fall into the head chefs responsibilities.
Purchasing stock for the kitchen is not simply a case of grabbing the nearest telephone and asking for some meat, or another commodity. Suppliers, and their products, must be chosen with care and consideration.
Complete the reading on Purchasing on pages 4 through 15 of your digital manuals and complete the assignment on page 4. This assignment would be completed through moodle and set up as an accessable template.
This would give an over-view of the next section but I would back this up with a face to face combined with a conference session at a pre determined time, maybee just for 30 min to clarify any questions to date.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Menu classifications

A menu which usually offers two or three courses at a set price. It is normal to offer a couple of choices at each course
A menu with all of the dishes individually priced. The customer chooses there own dishes and compiles there own Menu. A la Carte dishes are normally cooked to order
FUNCTION Menus that are designed for large groups for Banquets and various functions.Can be Table d’ hote ,buffet or Degustation
ETHNIC Menu’s that are based on Countries of origin and or religion eg Muslim
SPECIALITY Menu’s that specialise in food items or food styles eg Vegetatarian menus or Steak and Seafood Menus
HOSPITAL These are usually take the form of a Menu card in which the person selects what they would like to eat from a limited Menu / breakfast menu,s in hotels
CANTEEN Menus for people at work, student or school children .Vary in standard from Establishment to establishment
CYCLICAL these are menus which are designed to cover a given period of time,usally used in student hostels